Kidderminster nursery children's Christmas cards to bring joy to the elderly and housebound - The Kidderminster Standard

Kidderminster nursery children's Christmas cards to bring joy to the elderly and housebound

Kidderminster Editorial 28th Nov, 2024

CHILDREN at Little Trinity Nursery are expressing their creativity and bringing joy to the local community by colouring and painting Christmas cards as part of this year’s Kidderminster Library Card Appeal.

Nursery manager Gaynor said not only did the children ‘have such a wonderful time’, they also got to ‘show off their budding artistic skills’.

She added they also had the opportunity to practice their writing skills by signing their names onto cards.

Every year the nursery helps by having the children make Christmas cards which Kidderminster Library than distributes to the elderly and housebound.

The library also lends out books for people to enjoy throughout the festive season.

Kidderminster Library’s Card Appeal is such a worthwhile cause, as it helps to spreads a little joy with in the community for those who are not able to share Christmas with family.

Story by Sage Whitfield.