Bewdley's community litter pickers invited to Christmas event to thank them for their efforts - The Kidderminster Standard

Bewdley's community litter pickers invited to Christmas event to thank them for their efforts

Tristan Harris 30th Nov, 2024

A THANK YOU event for those who have undertaken Community Litter Picks in Bewdley is being held from 9.30am on Thursday, December 5.

Jackson’s Engineering, St Anne’s Church and Wyre Forest District Council would like to invite anyone who has undertaken the community litter picks, to drop in for Christmas refreshments to thank them for helping keep Bewdley litter free

A slightly shorter group litter pick will take place this month between 9.30am and 10am (if those times don’t work for you, feel free to pick a time convenient to you).

Refreshments and a catch-up will take place 10am onwards.

Emma from Worcestershire County Council is also attending, to offer advice in relation to recycling and reducing waste (particularly food waste).

Those who go along can wear their Christmas jumpers, hats, and accessories

The organisers want as many people as possible to spread the word to anyone interested in attending future picks and/or litter pickers that pick independently throughout the year.