REVIEW - Choir at Worcester Cathedral wows Sir John Rutter with his own choral work - The Kidderminster Standard

REVIEW - Choir at Worcester Cathedral wows Sir John Rutter with his own choral work

Lise Evans 20th Mar, 2025 Updated: 20th Mar, 2025

It’s not every day you get to perform the works of a world-famous composer and have him sitting in the front row of the audience.

So it was for Worcester Cathedral Choir who under the leadership of Samuel Hudson performed a concert of sacred music in front of English composer and conductor, Sir John Rutter on hallowed ground last Saturday night (March 15).

Sir John, who is known for his extensive choral compositions as well as carols, (which for many is the sound of Christmas) had been invited to the city by the Worcester Creative Arts Festival. He had led a come-and-sing day during the day and followed it by a later talk – it turns out festival organiser Kate Branchett had invited him to the evening concert in aid of Friends of Worcester Cathedral.

Clearly, an offer not to be turned down by an individual considered to be one of the most popular and successful composers of the last half-century.

Sir John (who was awarded a knighthood in last year’s King’s Birthday Honours) and an audience of 150 enjoyed a programme of 20th Century choral music that started with Edward Elgar’s lesser-known work, Great is the Lord based on Psalm 48 featuring a fine solo performance by lay clerk Tom Hunt.

There followed a charming rendition of Hymne à la Vierge and Jesu dulcis memoria by French composer Pierre Villette before an organ interlude demonstrating the virtuosity of Christopher Alsop, organist of Eton College and Fellow of the Royal College of Organists with Rhapsody No 3 in C sharp minor by Herbert Howells. A composition of light and shade aptly suited to the acoustics of the cathedral environment.

One of the evening’s highlights – Franz Biebl’s Ava Maria saw the 40-odd choir members (including choristers as young as eight years old) sing exquisitely in Latin before it was time for a very pleasing execution of Sir John Rutter’s A Pilgrim’s Prayer, written in 2020 for the Three Choirs Festival.

The end of the first half finished with Bring us, O Lord God by former music tutor to the teenage Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret, organist and composer Sir William Harris.

The second half was devoted to Sir John’s magnificent choral work Psalmfest accompanied by soprano Hannah Grove and Dominic Neville, tenor. The piece comprises nine movements that vary in treatment – from mellow and lyrical I will lift up mine eyes to vibrant and lively Cantate Domino.

It was a privilege to hear this introduced by the great man himself who gave an impassioned plea for the ‘special and uniquely British’ tradition of cathedral choir singing and music to be ‘celebrated and supported’.

Sir John told the audience he was ‘especially honoured and thrilled’ that the choir was going to be performing Psalmfest, adding he felt ‘very fortunate’ to be at the cathedral that evening and would return home ‘nourished and enriched’.

If there were nerves it certainly didn’t show and the entire ensemble – both young and old – must have been thrilled to see Sir John jump to his feet at the end of the fine performance, raise his arms, and extend an enthusiastic thumbs-up to them.

When asked by the Observer if he ever got tired of listening to his music Sir John – now in his 80th year – responded: “Not at all – particularly when it is sung so beautifully,” adding “and when I don’t have to do anything but listen…” Indeed a thumb-up then.