Details of this year's Kidderminster Remembrance Sunday parade announced - The Kidderminster Standard

Details of this year's Kidderminster Remembrance Sunday parade announced

Tristan Harris 31st Oct, 2024

DETAILS of this year’s Kidderminster Remembrance Sunday parade and service have been released by the town council.

The annual service will take place at the War Memorial at St Mary and All Saints, starting at 10.55am, on Sunday, November 10.

Those wanting to take part in the parade should muster in  New Road Car Park (Bateman’s Yard) at 10.15am. The parade will step off at 10.30am prompt.

Local organisations and groups are more than welcome to parade.

The parade will make its way back through the town centre and the event will conclude at 12.30pm.

Copies of the service sheet for use at the War Memorial will be available to all those attending.

Call 01562 732680 for further details or email [email protected]


Permission for temporary road closures has been granted by Wyre Forest District Council between 8am and 1pm affecting New Road, Bridge Street, Oxford Street, Vicar Street, Bull Ring, Lower Mill Street and St Mary’s Ringway.

The roads will be closed on a rolling basis to cause minimal disruption to all road users while ensuring the safe passage of the parade.