Kidderminster, Bewdley and Stourport residents urged to have their say on Wyre Forest Council's budget - The Kidderminster Standard

Kidderminster, Bewdley and Stourport residents urged to have their say on Wyre Forest Council's budget

Tristan Harris 4th Jan, 2025

RESIDENTS across Kidderminster, Bewdley and Stourport-on-Severn are being urged to have their say on Wyre Forest District Council’s budget proposals.

The authority is aiming to tackle a number of issues affecting the district, including littering, environmental offences and illegal parking.

The draft budget has been organised by the council’s cabinet and will go forward – after the public consultation – to be considered by the full council as part of its Medium Term Financial Strategy. They are actions it is suggesting to help the council deliver its corporate plan.

The Cabinet wants the public’s view on its plans before final budget proposals are drawn up. This is to make sure any decision to increase expenditure helps to meet Council priorities and is supported by residents and businesses.

The budget proposals include a rise in the district council’s share of the council tax by 3 per cent. At Band D this represents an additional £7.29 for the year or 14p a week. The majority of householders in the district will pay less than this because almost three quarters of homes in Wyre Forest are in Bands A to C.

In February last year, the council estimated it would have a £2.14million funding gap at the end of 2026-27. It is now predicted this will be about £2.203million in 2027-28.  Based on current levels of expenditure it is expected the Council reserves will runout in 2027-28.

Coun David Ross, Wyre Forest District Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Portfolio said: “We are asking residents to spend a few minutes completing our online survey to let us know what they think about the proposals we’re putting forward.

“We’ve designed them to help us deliver on our corporate plan but also with our financial situation in mind.

“As a council, we must set a balanced budget. We are finding efficiencies as well as increasing the income targets for our commercial services to help us achieve this.”

A short survey to gather feedback on the Cabinet’s key proposals is now live on the council’s website.

Residents can visit to take part. The survey closes at 5pm on Thursday, January 16.

Full details of the proposals, including the costings, can be found in Medium Term Financial Strategy report in the Cabinet agenda by visiting the council’s meeting webpages

The final proposals will go to Full Council at the annual budget setting meeting in February.