Kidderminster schoolchildren learning to ride, thanks to funding for 'balance bikes' - The Kidderminster Standard

Kidderminster schoolchildren learning to ride, thanks to funding for 'balance bikes'

Tristan Harris 11th Mar, 2025

CHILDREN at a school near Kidderminster have been improving their confidence and gross motor skills thanks to a balance bikes funded by Worcestershire County Council Public Health.

Sarah Paske, headteacher at Bayton CofE Primary School, noticed an increased number of children starting school and being less confident at taking risks, with many unable to ride a bike.

Mrs Paske wanted to enable pupils to spend more time outdoors and gain the valuable lifelong skills of cycling so looked into what she could do and found ‘balance bikes’. These are bikes without pedals which teach children – as the name suggests – to get their balance on two wheels before progressing to pedal cycles.

Mrs Paske said: “The balance bikes have been a wonderful addition to our school with lots of children now saying bikeability is their favourite session of the week.

“I have seen a huge improvement in their confidence and abilities both inside and outside the classroom.

“We are so pleased to be able to provide the children with this fantastic resource to boost their confidence, balance and cycling skills.”

‘Loving their balance bikes’

Coun David Ross, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Public Health, recently visited the school to see a session in action.

He said: “It’s just fantastic to see the impact the grant funding has made to the children; they are absolutely loving the balance bikes.

“The session is providing the building blocks for a healthy, safe and active lifestyle for them, where they can gain confidence and nurture their skills.

“I would encourage all schools to take a look at the grant funding offer available to them to see how we can support their pupils with their health and wellbeing.”

The wellbeing grant from Worcestershire County Council, and the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner, enabled the school to purchase ten balance bikes and a pedal bike for their four to seven-year-olds, along with helmets and training for the class teacher.

The children spend an afternoon outdoors at school every week, gaining confidence and developing a love for riding a bike, which teachers hope will encourage them to develop this love and hobby in their own free time.

‘I can glide like a frog!’

Teacher, Sarah Young, Early Years Lead said: “When the children come into school and see bikes on our visual timetable, the cheer with excitement.

“They tell us: ‘I love balance bikes- it’s my favourite day at school!’ and ‘I’m good at going on the bikes- I can glide like a frog now!’.

Every child now has the opportunity to develop their balance and cycling skills, aiming to progress onto a pedal bike before starting in year one.

As a result, this has improved the physical fitness levels and mental wellbeing for the young children at Bayton CofE Primary.

To find out more about Public Health wellbeing grants for schools, click here.