A FANTASTIC £33,256 has been raised for Cancer Research UK by the Wyre Forest branch, writes Lydia Gee.
The cash has been generated by donations and a host of events and activities.
Treasurer David Smith said: “We celebrated raising the milestone £1million last summer and this latest amount raised in the year ending January 31 2025 is £5,000 more than previous year, which is fantastic.”
In memoriam donations amounted to £15,000, last year’s spring lunch raised £5,000 and a further £5,000 was raised for the charity Rainbow Cancer Care Foundation Gold Day at Cleobury Mortimer.
The annual Big Breakfast raised £550, more than £600 was collected at the Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb, a Mother’s Day afternoon tea raised almost £700, the commitee’s annual jazz night in Bewdley raised £1,000 and a further £1,700 came from a psychic evening.
Mr Smith added: “We are also very grateful to other people who raised money on our behalf, including Anne-Marie Simms, who donated £1,012 from the sale of her beautiful calendars of Bewdley.”
Stalwart committee member and former West Midlands High Sherriff, Peter Tomlinson, stepped down as a chairman and Anita Rose, who joined the committee almost three years ago, was unanimously voted to take over the role.
Mr Tomlinson also donated almost £900 from his own fundraising activities and was made honorary life president in recognition of his services to the committee.
He said: “I’m flattered to have been given this title as cancer research is very close to my heart.
“I will continue to support the committee in its efforts to raise vital funds for this extremely worthwhile charity, which does so much amazing work to help end suffering caused by this dreadful disease.”
The committee is planing another year of fundraising events across the Wyre Forest to support Cancer Research UK. To find out more call 07766 313430 or visit its Facebook page.