OFFICERS from Wyre Forest Police have visited Burlish Top to talk about the anti-social use of off-road bikes.
PC Perry and PCSO Chatter from Oldington, Foley and Sutton Park Safer Neighbourhood Team, met with Wyre Forest Rangers.
Metal fencing damaged
During the visit, it was noted metal fencing had been cut through and damaged allowing easy access in some areas. This is due to be repaired.
Police have also issued a Section 59 warning to a rider who has admitted to using an off-road bike in and around Burlish Top. If they are caught again, the off-road bike could be seized and further action taken.
Warning to parents
The police have wide ranging powers to deal with people who use vehicles in an anti-social manner. Apart from prosecuting offenders for motoring offences that could lead to being disqualified, parents of young riders can also be prosecuted, and the police can also seize motor vehicles using Section 59 of the Police Reform Act 2002.
Off-road bikes should only be used on land with permission of the landowner.
Any vehicle being used on public roads must have MoT, road tax and insurance.
Police have appealed to anyone who knows someone riding an off-road bike in the area or knows where they are storing the bikes to email details to the Safer Neighbourhood Team at [email protected].