Staff, visitors and patients urged to wear face masks at Kidderminster Hospital after rise in Covid cases - The Kidderminster Standard

Staff, visitors and patients urged to wear face masks at Kidderminster Hospital after rise in Covid cases

Kidderminster Editorial 29th Sep, 2024

WORCESTERSHIRE Acute Hospitals NHS Trust (WAHT), which runs the county’s three main hospitals, is now asking patients, visitors and staff to wear face masks in clinical areas in response to an increase in Covid cases.

Reports nationally suggest an increase in a new strain of Covid – XEC. Those affected who have tested positive have reported having a high temperature, aches, tiredness and a cough or a sore throat.

WAHT confirmed the number of Covid-positive patients had increased at the Alexandra, Kidderminster Hospital and the Worcestershire Royal.

And, the trust added, it wanted to do everything it could to protect the people it cared for from the risk of infection.

“We are grateful for the support and understanding of our patients and visitors.”