Stourport Sixth Form applications still being considered  - The Kidderminster Standard

Stourport Sixth Form applications still being considered 

Holly Clement 7th Dec, 2024

APPLICATIONS are still being considered for budding new students hoping to join Holy Trinity School Sixth Form next September.

Despite the admissions deadline having passed, HTS is inviting prospective students to continue submitting applications.

Assistant headteacher and head of Sixth Form, Tamsin Fisher, said: “We acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances may arise, which could hinder the timely submission of applications.

“As such, the school will accept late applications beyond the initial deadline. However, while late applications will be considered, priority will always be given to those who have submitted their applications by the November deadline.”

The school underwent a refurbishment of its sixth form area, which includes a private study rooms, communal areas, the central quad garden and pond and an all day dining room.

Tamsin added: “Our students make excellent progress due to our small class sizes and the one-to-one support that they receive.

“We look forward to welcoming you and enabling you to flourish and achieve your full potential.”

Visit: for more information.