Wyre Forest District Council action plan for air quality is being considered  - The Kidderminster Standard

Wyre Forest District Council action plan for air quality is being considered 

Holly Clement 4th Nov, 2024

WYRE Forest District Council’s overview and scrutiny committee is considering an action plan to improve air quality in the region.

Outlining measures the council and partners plan to take reducing levels of nitrogen dioxide – the document covers the Air Quality Management Areas of the Welchgate, in Bewdley and the Horsefair and Coventry Street, in Kidderminster.

The draft plan includes; support for the take-up of electric vehicles, measures to boost cycling, improvements on taxi fleet and bus services, and making the councils vehicles environmentally efficient.

Coun Nicky Martin, chairperson of Wyre Forest District Council’s overview and scrutiny committee said: “For six months a group of officers from the council and our partners have been working on this action plan.

“It sets out a list of actions that the organisations will be taking and how to get residents on board to improve air quality too.

“The committee will be analysing the plan to make sure that we have achievable actions to improve air quality in the district.”

The committee is taking place on November 7, from 6pm.

Anyone can speak to the committee about items on the agenda by contacting [email protected] by noon the day before the meeting.