THE COMMUNITY-focused Adopt a Street scheme has been recognised for the national LCG awards for encouraging pride and care within the Wyre Forest area.
The Local Government Chronicle Awards have shortlisted Wyre Forest District Council in the Community Involvement category due to the Adopt A Street project and the positive impacts it has had.
The programme encourages residents to sign up to ‘adopt’ a street and pledge to litter pick in that area three times-a-year to keep the community clean and tidy and allow a sense of pride in the area.
The programme has seen widespread positive engagement since its launch with hundreds of volunteers across groups like businesses and schools.
Coun Tracey Onslow said: “We are incredibly proud to be shortlisted for the LCG awards this year.
“Adopt a Street is a fantastic example of how communities can come together to care for the environment.
“Being shortlisted in the Community Involvement category is great recognition of both the hard work of our volunteers and the council’s dedicated team that organise the scheme, making sure support and free equipment is provided to everyone who signs up.”
LGC editor Sarah Culkin added the LCG had received a record-breaking amount of entries this year and highlighted the importance of recognising outstanding council achievements in an age where huge changes were increasingly frequent.
The LCG Awards ceremony will be held on June 11 when the winners will be announced.
Story by Aidan Kilcullen.